How to React When Your Partner Makes More Money

Some men feel a bit threaten and uncomfortable when their girlfriend or wife earns more money than them. The reason behind that in the ancient time the society made a criterion and put the men superior to women for household requirements. But now the time has changed, women are doing well at the workspace and they have ability more and more money sometimes, more than their partners. This potential made the women financially self-dependent.

If you are facing this situation and feeling jealousy and competition because your partner is making money more than you then here are some tips that can help you to deal with this situation:
1. Take it in a positive way: If your partner is earning more than you, take it in a positive way. Accept it and understand the benefits of higher income.

2. Be open and honest to express your feelings: If your partner is earning more obviously she will spend more on household and other things. If you feel uncomfortable with that ask it to her. Be open and honest to express your feelings in a relationship.

3. Divide the expenses equally: Divide your household expenses equally to make the matters fairs. Split the bills and contribute to the other payments also. It will make you feel you are equal to your partner.

4. Don’t try to compete with her: Don’t try to compare yourself with her. It will only disappoint you. Maybe she can afford expensive clothes but you need to be realistic about how much you earn and what can you afford.


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