
Showing posts from June, 2018

Deciphering Mixed Signals from a Girl

There is always a woman in everyone’s life that is flirty and warm with you at one moment while the next moment she is cool and stops replying to your messages. This is very confusing to figure out for a guy what she actually wants. There are many reasons behind when the women engage in a hot-cold behavior. Deciphering the mixed signals from a girl is not easy for the guys. Read out the simple reasons why women give mixed signals.

5 Full-Proof Tips to Deal with Divorce

5 Full-Proof Tips to Deal with Divorce Divorce is the most painful tragedy in the life of a couple. No matters, if your relationship is no longer good, going through a separation or divorce is very hard for both men and women.  It is the loss of your partnership, dreams and commitments you shared with each other. When divorce happens, you feel unable to control your emotions. You may feel fearful, confused and surround yourself with the worry of future. You may feel broken after break up or divorce and put yourself in the worst situations like depression. Although divorce is a painful time, there are the plenty of things you can do to overcome the pain, get out of this difficult time and start a new life with a new hope. Once you overcome it, you would feel stronger and happier than before. Here are the 5 full-proof tips by the relationship experts of Dawghoused that may help you to deal with divorce. 1. Take Time to Grieve There is no way to move on quickly after a

What to do When Your Friend Ditches You for a Girl

What to do When Your Friend Ditches You for a Girl We all have the close friends and they manage their friendship and relationship very well. But, there is a friend in every group who can’t balance both things and starts ditching you for his girl and relationship. In a male friendship , always friends come first then a girlfriend. When a friend goes into a new romantic relationship , it makes two close friends apart and being ditched is really sucks. The bad thing is that you can’t approach your buddy about this because he might feel that you are jealous or petty. A relationship needs a lot of time. If your friend spends more with his girlfriend than you, it is the sign that he is ditching you. Here are few key things you may consider to help save yourfriendship .

Most Common Marital Issues and How to Avoid Them

Most Common Marital Issues and How to Avoid Them Every marriage faces difficulties. Every person has the different personality and nature. Some issues occur when you share life with another person. Some people think divorce is the easy way to deal with all issues. But this is not a good solution because there are a lot of problems in married life that can be avoided and short out with an effective communication. To make your marriage successful, you need to make some efforts and meet the expectations of each other. Check out the most common marital issues and how to avoid them to make your relationship stronger.

Best Tips to Become a Good Parent

Best Tips to Become a Good Parent Being a parent is the most joyful and fulfilling experience of your life. But it is not easy because the future of your children depend upon how you prepare them to grow and be a good successful person in the life. Parenting is about daily learning to make your children’s lives better. You need to grow and adjust along with your children.  It does not matter what is the age of your children, as a parent, your work never ends. You need to build your parenting skills and teach your children to develop self-discipline and encourage them to be positive and become the winners. Here at Dawghoused , we collect the best tips to become a good parent from the real-life parents. Let’s discuss them step by step. 1. Set Some Boundaries and Responsibilities Limits help children to understand the good and bad things and manage the outside world. Set some boundaries to help your kids explore their passion safely. Giving some child responsibilities l

What to Do When She Says Clean the House

If you are married or living with your girlfriend, it is usual that you will be told to clean the house. Most of the men are very bad in cleaning and it is a very difficult situation when your wife or girlfriend asks for cleaning. If you refuse, she will argue with you and that argument may turn into the fight. So, to avoid the fight, it is better to learn about the expectations of a woman when she asks you to clean the house. Find some tips to figure out what to do when she says clean the house .