
Showing posts from May, 2018

How to Make a Long Distance Relationship (LDR) Work

Dealing with Long Distance Relationship Dealing with long-distance relationships (LDR) becomes very difficult sometimes. Especially, you are used being together and have to apart for a long time due to some studies, jobs or other career opportunities. Many people believe long-distance relationships do not work. They advise you not to take it seriously and this breaks your heart. In long-distance relationships, things could get complicated and unachievable that could make you feel sad and lonely. Still, there are lots of things that can make an extra distance relationship sweeter and stronger. According to some studies, absence makes the heart grow fonder and long-distance couples feel more love for each other than those that are geographically close. If you are also going to be in a long-distance relationship then to keep your love strong and alive, here are some tips that can help you to make your long distance relationship work. 1. Avoid Enormous Communication

Dating Advice: Keeping Your Past in The Past

Some people come into our life like hurricanes and destroy everything. They don’t care about our feelings. They just play with them leave crying.  The past experiences with this kind of people prevent us finding the happiness and trust someone again. Forgetting the past and let the things go is very difficult when it was a painful part of your life. But, if you do not try to overcome this type of situation your life will go worse. You can be a victim of diseases like depression and anxiety. So, keeping your past in the past and letting the things go is the only way to be happy again. Click to learn more about keeping your past in the past .

Top 5 Life-Changing Tips for Self-Improvement

Every person has the capability to do great things in the world. Sometimes, you lose your self-confidence due to some wrong circumstances. But you need to get up, motivate yourself, and make yourself ready to move on with life.  The fact is that you cannot change the tough situations in your life but you can definitely change your attitude towards them. Sounds good? For that, you need to work on your self-improvement. Self-improvement is the process of analyzing yourself and improves to become better than before. Even your life is going well still there is always some need for personal development. If you want to grow in life then it’s important to constantly be improving yourself. It is learning to happier and more fulfilling life. Best thing is that the self-discipline and the qualities of personal development reside within you. So, let’s discuss top 5 life-changing tips you must know for self-improvement . 1. Love to Be Yourself It means to accept yourself who you

Relationship Advice: 25 Signs it’s Time to Move On

When two people enter into a relationship they don’t expect it to fail. They hope everything best and sees a good future with each other. But, some relationships do not work perfectly even the two people are perfect for each other. In that case, it becomes very difficult to know when to move on. Couple gets confused whether to stay in the relationship or end it. At Dawghoused, we did a research on such couples and identify these 25 signs when a couple should end their relationship and move on with their lives.